360° foliar and root solutions
With natural elements and a perfect synergy between them, it is the ideal nutrition for all crops.
Production philosophy
It contains around 80+ elements, starting with the main ones such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur, then moving on to micro elements such as iron, boron, manganese and zinc, and many other nano elements such as silicon, selenium, cobalt, cerium, vanadium, copper, molybdenum, yttrium, strontium and many more.

Nutrients can hinder each other’s absorption if the ratio of the different substances is not balanced.
A synergistic effect occurs when the reaction of two or more nutrients creates a result that cannot be obtained from them individually.

Unleash the full force
of the natural elements.
Abomin will give you the perfect synergy.
The combination of all elements, especially the exchange ratio between the various substances, creates an ideal absorption of all nutrients.